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Message for 89 Foundation website

I am delighted to inform you that the batch of 1989 is launching the much awaited web-site of “89 Foundation” on the occasion of its second Annual General Meeting at Tuticorin, TN. I fondly cherish the memories of my alma mater, " Government College of Engineering Amravati". Though a few friends were in touch even after the graduation, connecting with each one of them was a challenge. We could connect with almost everyone for the Silver Jubilee Connect in 2014 and are continuously exchanging our memories/ happenings thereafter. Smaller groups are very active in cities like Nagpur, Pune, Nasik, Mumbai, Amravati etc. I am happy to inform you that the members are also in constant touch with the teachers of our times and always seek their blessings. A few senior alumni are also guiding qus in personal and professional lives.

As rightly said the network has blossomed over the last 35 years. We untimely lost a few members of the group. A need was felt to connect the friends for a cause of social security and guidance to the next generation. The members consist of self made entrepreneurs who can be guiding lights for new generations, educators who are always on the forefront of career guidance and many capable hands in a wide spectrum of lives.

I am happy to inform you that we have a vibrant group at Nagpur. They have taken a leading role in the establishment of the foundation with active support from many friends. The foundation aims at ata social cause of friends in active as well as retired lives We believe in the philophy depicted in Nitishatak by Bhartruhari quaoted below…

पापान्निवारयति योजयते हिताय गुह्यं निगूहति गुणान् प्रकटीकरोति | आपद्गतं च न जहाति ददाति काले सन्मित्रलक्षणमिदं प्रवदन्ति सन्ताः || -भर्तृहरि (नीतिशतक)

भावार्थ - महान संतों का कहना है कि एक सच्चे मित्र के लक्षण हैं कि वह हमें पापकर्म करने से रोकता है, हमारे हित के कार्यों को करने के लिये हमें प्रेरित करता है, हमारी गोपनीय बातों को प्रकट नहीं करता है ,आपत्ति के समय में भी हमारा साथ नहीं छोडता है, तथा आवश्यकता पडने पर सहायता के लिये तत्पर रहता है |

The first AGM was held at Agartala with wonderful support from Shri.Pravin Agarwal. Shri Yogesh Raut is also taking a lead role for the second AGM at Tuticorin, TN.

You will be witnessing a plethora of initiatives to connect between the members of 89 Alumni through this web-site.

I welcome each one of you to visit the same from time to time and give your constructive feedback.

Dr. Sanjay Dhondopant Pohekar
GCOE Amrvati

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